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You can build a stronger brand and business with the help of these free tools!

Building a business is a lot of work and you need a brand that reflects your passion and mission. My Discovery Questionnaire has 38 questions that ask you to take a deeper look into who you are, what you do, and why it matters.

Conscious Brand Consistency Guide for Service-Based Businesses

Using simple consistent acts you'll follow the critical stages of your client's conversion journey. You'll learn where consistency matters and how to use conscious brand consistency for lead generation and increased conversions in your business.

brand consistency guide
ideal customer profile free download

Ideal Customer Profile Template

Everything starts and ends with your customer. Having a nuanced understanding of your specific customer is a fundamental building block for a successful business. This free ideal customer template asks you questions that allows you to build your business with them in mind. 

Lead Magnet Template

Designing an impressive lead magnet for your audience doesn't have to be a challenge. This Ultimate Guide lead magnet template consists of 30 page layouts that can be easily customized for your content using Canva.

coral lead magnet
guide to content marketing for small business

Content Marketing Guide for Small Business

Small business owner, freelancer, or startup — all forms of businesses benefit from smart content marketing. It's the best way to expand your audience and attract new customers. This guide helps you to create a content marketing strategy that makes sense for your small business.

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Gain the clarity and momentum you need while learning to think like a brand.

Using the strategies of brand discovery, this workshop provides you with the critical building blocks needed in business, while teaching you to think like a brand. And I don’t mean your visual aesthetic—though there’s a bit of that too—I’m talking about strategy, critical thinking, and foundation building.

affordable business course
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