We’re all looking for that secret formula that will grant us endless clients without ever having to lift a finger to find them—right? There’s no getting around the ebbs and flows of running a business, but you can survive and—dare I say—thrive when you have a brand strategy supporting your growth.
Whether you already have a brand strategy or are pondering the investment for your own small business, allow me to show you ten ways your brand strategy will land you more clients. Number three and number nine are going to blow your mind.
1. Clearly Defined Client Personas
It goes without saying that the best way to get more clients is to use the ideal client profiles inside your brand strategy. If you were a detective, this would be your case file for the suspect. Okay, that’s a weird analogy, but it works very much the same way—minus the suspicious lens.
Your brand strategy will clearly define who they are, describe their lifestyle, general behaviours, where they’re struggling and what they are striving for as it relates to your business.
Maybe you’re wondering how this is any different than the ideal customer profile you created yourself. For your brand strategy to support you in landing new clients, I write these profiles out in a story-like fashion. This isn’t just a list of client specs, it offers you a narrative to better understand who they are so you can market to them more effectively.
Sections of Brand Strategy:
Audience Overview
Audience Persona
Audience Keywords

2. Problem Awareness Deep Dive
When we strategize your audience, we’re getting super specific when defining those deep rooted problems your audience is facing. This is crucial to earning their attention and building trust through your marketing.
For every functional problem your ideal client has, we’ll identify the emotional problem that accompanies it. These emotional problems often aren’t on their radar. So use these elements of your brand strategy to make them better understand themselves through your messaging and you’ll quickly earn their attention and trust.
Beyond understanding their problems, we’re also strategizing the direct solutions your business has to offer them so you can optimize your offers to be more appealing and earn more conversions.
Section of Brand Strategy:

3. Your Emotional Marketing Toolkit
Our emotions run the show. To connect with and convert more clients, my brand strategy approach offers you a range of emotional pillars that can be used throughout your marketing.
The Emotional Benefits They’ll Gain
Identifying the layers of your audience’s problem is important but so too are the layers of benefits your service offers. In your strategy guide, you’ll have a range of key benefits to promote in your marketing:
functional benefits
emotional benefits
self-expressive benefits
The functional benefits (aka the bells and whistles) are handy, but not high-converting. Which is why we strategize to identify the emotional and self-expressive benefits that your clients gain from hiring you. This adds emotional depth to your marketing and when used consistently, your services will appear far more valuable than your competitor’s offer.
Using Purpose to Arouse Emotion
A clearly defined purpose statement keeps you focused on why you started your business in the first place. Why does this benefit your marketing? Because research shows that brands that lead with a strong purpose in their marketing connect deeply with the emotions of their audience.
“Americans are more likely to have a positive image of (89%), trust in (86%) and be loyal (83%) to brands that lead with Purpose”
My goal with your strategy is to uncover how your purpose as a brand directly aligns with who they’re trying to become as a person. A well defined brand purpose will propel your business forward.
The Emotional Impact for Your Ideal Client
One of the most powerful pages of my client’s brand strategy guides is their emotional impact. Much like your brand purpose, your emotional impact portrays—in the most simple and memorable sense—how your story intersects with your audience’s story.
Not only does this part of your strategy offer you a relatable parallel to connect with your future clients in your marketing but it highlights a unique advantage you have over your competitors.
Sections of Brand Strategy:
Key Benefits
Brand Purpose
Mission Statement
Emotional Impact
4. Your Brand Values Will Attract More Aligned Clients
We are comforted by things that feel familiar to us. Like attracts like. When trying to build trust with your audience, relatability in your messaging is huge for converting followers into clients.
In their annual study on Meaningful Brands, the Havas Group reported 77% of consumers are more likely to buy from brands that share their values.
Being an authentic brand means being aware of what you stand for as a business. Weave your brand values consistently into your brand messaging. When you stay connected to your values and let them guide your every move as a business, you’ll be amazed how easy it becomes to build an audience of like-minded individuals and land more truly aligned clients.
Section of Brand Strategy:
Core Values

5. Memorable Brand Messaging
If you want to know how to get more clients online and cut through the noise, memorable brand messaging is the answer. Your brand strategy simplifies your messaging so that it is concise, emotionally-driven and easy to remember.
Your strategy guide is filled with memorable brand language that will become central to your marketing and synonymous with your business. Your value proposition (aka your brand promise) is strategically crafted to communicate with the utmost ease what you offer and the emotional benefit they’ll gain. You’ll use this memorable brand message on your homepage, your social media bios, and in your marketing for a cohesive brand experience to convert more clients and grow your business.
Sections of Brand Strategy:
Emotional Impact
Value Proposition
Brand Positioning
6. Distinct Brand Positioning
To become the obvious choice for your next client, you need to lean into what makes you different. Easier said than done of course. I’ll strategize your competitive landscape to see where there are clear opportunities for differentiation.
You’ll avoid blending in because I’ll use this research to position your brand and your offers as the best solution to your clients’ problems. You’ll stay top of mind with your audience when you leverage your strategic brand positioning in your marketing and brand messaging.
Sections of Brand Strategy:
Competitor Overview
Competitive Analysis
Competitor Takeaways
Brand Positioning
7. Memorable Marketing
Let’s face it, you’re probably not the only business that can solve your audience’s problem. But we want to communicate why you are the best business to hire. That’s why we strategize your messaging so your marketing will amplify what you bring to the table that your competitors do not.
You’ll have clearly defined unique selling propositions—along with evidence to back them up—that will set you apart from your competitors and boost your own confidence in the process. Your social media strategy will be supported with content pillars and a range of content ideas that are designed to attract, engage, and covert your followers into clients. Filter all of your content through these to ensure you're serving your audience, no matter where they may be in your marketing funnel.
Sections of Brand Strategy:
Messaging Architecture
Content Pillars
8. Understanding Their Priorities
To make your ideal client's decision to invest in your services an easy choice, we’ll spend time strategizing what’s important to them. When you understand where they’re coming from, what’s prevented them from solving their problem so far, and what factors influence their decision to buy, you can support them even more. Your brand strategy will outline key priorities that will allow you to optimize your marketing and messaging so they feel good about hiring you.
Section of Brand Strategy:

9. Optimized Journey Map to Increase Conversions
Having a detailed client journey map is your shortcut for optimized conversions. This little gem outlines the goals and activities of your ideal clients at each stage of their buyer’s journey:
The added bonus for you is the detailed look at your business’s goals, activities, and KPIs at each of these stages for ongoing ease and optimization. No more guesswork. You’ll always know precisely what you need to maintain a consistent brand experience that converts your followers and subscribers into clients that will refer all of their friends.
Section of Brand Strategy:
Journey Map
10. Marketing You Can Trust to Bring Home the Bacon
Brand consistency is key for shaping your reputation as a trusted service provider. The collective pages of your brand strategy guide make marketing your business to land more clients a breeze.
You’ll see how each piece of your brand foundation works in congruence with others to support your business growth. You’ll no longer feel compelled to change your messaging or introduce new offers just to have something to promote. Just think of the time and energy this will save you.
Even as marketing trends change, new social platforms launch, and the tech evolves—your brand strategy will always have your back.
When you rely on the ingredients that each page has to offer, you’ll feel confident that your marketing and your brand are doing their job to attract new business and sign new clients.
Simplified strategy and memorable design is how I can help you get earn more eyes on your marketing so that your next big client will connect with your message, build that trust, and feel 100% confident that you're the best business to hire.
If you’re ready to give your business the strategic foundation that will make growing your business enjoyable and easy, apply now.

Jenny Henderson Studio develops memorable brand experiences and strategic brand foundations to improve recognition and revenue for service-based small businesses.
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